Improving documenation

We are sorry you found the REFRAME instructions difficult to use. We realise how precious your time is.
We would love it if you could answer just three more questions so that we can improve them.

1. Which patient management software do you have access to? You can select more than one option.
Best Practice
Medical Director
2. How do you think the instructions could be improved? You can select more than one answer.
They should contain more detail
They should contain less detail
They need updating as the screenshots did not match what I saw
The text could be written to be less confusing
3. Please select which of the following may be helpful. You can select more than one answer.
A video tutorial to walk through the process
A troubleshooting or FAQ section in the guide or on the website
A high-level quick start guide, as well as the more detailed step-by-step guidance
A dummy practice environment for my clinic software
None of the above

Please select.
